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Element A

This element of the design process is about defining a problem with a concise, simple statement. The following will show the evolution of statements to properly define the problem, in order to prove it is in fact a problem which can be solved with an engineered solution. It contains pictures that show what the problem is, experts who know a lot about the problem, and survey questions and data that was collected to prove that the problem exists.

Q&A Session

Q: What data should we gather? A: Stephen: Possibly gather Sex, Age, whether they are diagnosed or not, gather in small groups, Homogenous samples. Q: What are good sites to gather informaiton about ADHD? A: Stephen: Q: Stephen: What is this project about? A: This project is about designing and developing a product to help people who struggle to complete work complete their work at a faster pace. Q: How available are you? A: Stephen: There might be some weeks I can not respond but will respond when I can. Q: Stephen: How long will this project go for? A: This project will go from now till the end of March. This project will be around 8 months long.

Survey Data and Analysis

100 random individuals were asked to complete a survey regarding attention disorders and how it can affect a person. The main purpose of this survey was to show that people know about attention disorders and how these attention disorders affect how a person behaves and completes tasks regarding school.

This question is used to establish a baseline on whether the person knows of ADHD or not, without saying “ADHD"


Analysis: Knowing if people are familiar with attention disorders helps prove that ADHD is mainstream and a relevant attention disorder/problem.

This question is used to help establish whether or not attention disorders, “ADHD,” affect people’s ability to get good grades in class. (Scale: 1-5, Strongly Disagree-Strongly Agree)


Analysis: This data proves that most people do not correlate attention disorders to having an impact on someone’s ability to get good grades in school.

This question is used to establish whether or not attention disorders affect people’s ability to do homework negatively.(Scale: 1-5, Strongly Disagree-Strongly Agree)


Analysis: The data collected proves that attention disorders have a negative impact on one’s ability to complete and finish homework efficiently.

This question is used to help establish if attention disorders affect people’s ability to learn in class. (Scale: 1-5, Strongly Disagree-Strongly Agree)


Analysis: By observing the data from this question, the respondents believe that attention disorders have a negative effect on a person’s ability to pay attention in class, further proving that attention disorders are a problem.




People who often find themself not being able to pay attention

Middle Schoolers

High Schoolers


People who have a medical diagnosis explaining who they have trouble paying attention

​People with ADD
People with ADHD
People with attention disorders


Mr. Stephen Favarone has provided guidance with problem statements, survey questions, and gave overall advice as to what can be improved on. By creating and conducting a survey, 100 responses have been recorded 78.8% of people say that attention disorders affect the ability to pay attention in class. 75.8% of people say that attention disorders affect a person's ability to homework and 53.5% of people say that attention disorders affect a person's ability to get good grades. The overall information from this survey is that attention disorders are negative and harm the individual’s ability to gather and harbor information properly.

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