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EDD stands for Engineering Development and Design. This course is a senior only level course. During this course students take everything they learned from past engineering courses and apply it here cohesively. Students are asked to research problems they believe to be a major issue that needs changes. This is the most challenging engineering course offered at Huntley High School because of all the freedom given to the students. This freedom means that if something goes wrong, it's on the student to try and fix it. Students research their problem extensively and use their knowledge of manufacturing and engineering to try and develop a visual solution. These solutions can be physical or theoretical, but there must be a model of the proposed final solution to show during the end of this class. After researching and proving that the problem they selected is a real world problem, students survey their intended consumers and try to get a better understanding of how to solve this issue. After surveying the stakeholders students come up with 10 total solutions and decide on 3. After deciding on the final 3, students will survey their consumers again asking for which one they believe to be the best. The best solution will begin the prototyping process where students would create a prototype and test it extensively. This process usually takes the longest because students will create a prototype, test it, make revisions, test it again, and so on until the prototype passes all the tests. Once the prototype passes all the tests, students will then create a brand new prototype and test it again to make sure their passing was not by chance. Lastly, students who pass this process will present their findings and proposed solution to a board of engineers at the end of the 9 months.

Click here to learn more about my personal EDD project, The Tiny Toaster

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